23nd and 24th, August

Hotel DeVille Prime
About the event
For the fourth consecutive year marking the opening of new crops, the DATAGRO Crop Opening – Soybean, Corn and Cotton 2024/25 will be an in-person event, consolidating itself as an unprecedented space in the country to discuss all central themes related to the planning of the next soybean, corn and cotton crops.
The panels’ programme, focused on content that is strategic to production and trading, will gather the most expressive technicians and experts from the public and private sectors of the grain and cotton chains in Brazil.
August 23rd
Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Gustavo Herrmann, Commercial Director, Koppert, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Guilherme Nolasco, Executive President, UNEM, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Sílvio Rangel, President, Sistema Fiemt, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
César Miranda, Secretary of Agriculture of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Cesário Ramalho da Silva, Coordinator of Agribusiness, São Paulo Trade Association (ACSP), Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Edimilson Alves, General Director, Instituto Pensar Agro (IPA), Brasilia, Brazil.
Nilson Aparecido Leitão, President, Instituto Pensar Agro (IPA), Brasilia, Brazil.
Anderson Alvarenga, Commercial Director, DATAGRO Markets, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Flávio Roberto de França Jr., Economist and Research Leader, DATAGRO Grains, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marcel Daltro, Partner – Institutional and Strategic Projects Director, Nelson Wilians Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Felipe Soares, Climate and GIS Analyst, DATAGRO, Campinas, Brazil.
Bárbara Sentelhas, CEO, Agrymet, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Bruna Rezende, CEO, IRIS – Generative Business, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Luiz Roberto Zillo, Zootechnician, Livestock Consultant, DATAGRO, Associate, DATAGRO Financial, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Daniel de Paula Sousa, Zootechnician, Associate Professor, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Arlindo Vilela, Director, Novapec Agropecuária, Rondonopolis, Brazil.
João Otávio de Assis Figueiredo, Economist and Research Leader at DATAGRO Pecuária, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Hermelindo Ruete de Oliveira, Partner, DATAGRO Financial, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Guilherme Nolasco, Executive President, UNEM, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Aparício Bezerra, Project Manager and Commercial Manager, Lucas E3, Kansas, USA.
Cleiton Gauer, Superintendent, IMEA, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Ricardo Tortorella, Executive Director, ANDA, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Gustavo Herrmann, Commercial Director, Koppert, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Eduardo Leão, President and CEO, Croplife Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Melina Lobo Dantas, Lawyer, Melina Lobo Law Firm, São Paulo, Brazil.
Carolina Troster, Partner, DATAGRO Financial, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Alessandro Correia, Partner, Vectis, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Gláucia Brasil, Partner, Escritório Gláucia Brasil, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Daniel Latorraca, Founding Partner, CREDITARES, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
August 24th
Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Fabricio Cristiano Vieira, Chief Commercial Officer, FS Fueling Sustainability, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Gustavo Schueroff, Senior Trader for Grains & Oilseeds, LDC, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Orlando Editore, Head of the Coffee Sector and Partner, DATAGRO Financial, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Fernando Rodriguez Uslenghi, Country Manager, Control Union and Peterson Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Ana Paula Malvestio, Board Counsel and Auditor, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Gabriel Teles Ghertman, Impact Investing Analyst, BTG Pactual, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marco Anton, Managing Partner, Nutristrahl, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marcelo Ottoboni, Sales Representative, Omya, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Ricardo Hiroshi, Partner in Charge of the Tax Area, PK Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Luís Fernando Madella Athayde, Managing Partner, LF Madella Communications, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marcelo Escorel, Entrepreneur, Estratégia Agro, São Paulo, Brazil.
Miguel Faus, President, ANEA, São Paulo, Brazil.
João Paulo Lefèvre, President, Brazilian Commodity Exchange (BBM), São Paulo, Brazil.
Eraí Maggi, President, AMPA, Cuiabá, Brazil.
Marcelo Duarte, Director, ABRAPA, Brasília, Brazil.
Dawid Wajs, Supply Chain and Cotton Director, Vicunha Têxtil, São Paulo, Brazil.
Beatriz Brito, Co-Founder, Gtr3s and Partner Advisor, Laudejá Agronegócios, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
João Antônio Fagundes Neto, CEO, Grupo Raça Agro, Rondopolis, Brazil.
Ricardo Pires, Director, Núcleo Agrícola, Goias, Brazil.
Thiago Abreu, Director, Valloura Agroinovação, Rondonopolis, Brazil.
Junior Crosara, Managing Partner, Crosara Consultoria, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Alessandro Correia
Partner, Vectis

Ana Paula Malvestio
Board Counsel and Auditor

Anderson Alvarenga
Commercial Director, DATAGRO Markets

Aparício Bezerra
Project Manager and Commercial Manager, Lucas E3

Arlindo Vilela
Director, Novapec Agropecuária

Bárbara Sentelhas
CEO, Agrymet

Beatriz Brito
Founding Partner, Gtr3s Consultancy and Advisory Partner, Laudejá Agribusiness

Bruna Rezende
CEO, IRIS - Generative Business

Carolina Troster de Hollanda
Partner, DATAGRO Financial

César Miranda
Secretary of Economic Development

Cesário Ramalho
Former President and Coordinator of the Agribusiness Council of the Commercial Association, Sociedade Rural Brasileira

Cleiton Gauer
Superintendent, IMEA

Daniel Latorraca Ferreira
Founder and COO, Creditares

Daniel de Paula Sousa
Zootechnician, Associate Professor, Federal University of Mato Grosso

Dawid Wajs
Supply Chain and Cotton Director, Vicunha Têxtil

Edmilson Alves
General Director, Instituto Pensar Agro (IPA)

Eduardo Leão
President and CEO, Croplife Brazil

Eraí Maggi
President, AMPA

Fabricio Cristiano Vieira
Chief Commercial Officer, FS Fueling Sustainability

Felipe Soares
Climate and Geoprocessing Analyst, DATAGRO

Fernando Rodriguez Uslenghi
Regional Director, Control Union North America

Flávio França Jr.
Economist and Head of Research Grains, DATAGRO

Gabriel Teles Ghertman
Impact Investing Analyst, BTG Pactual

Gláucia Brasil
Sócia, Escritório Gláucia Brasil

Guilherme Nolasco
Executive President, UNEM

Gustavo Herrmann
Commercial Director, Koppert

Gustavo Schueroff
Senior Trader for Grains & Oilseeds, LDC

Hermelindo Ruete de Oliveira
Partner, DATAGRO Financial

João Antônio Fagundes Neto
CEO, Grupo Raça Agro (GRA)

João Otávio de Assis Figueiredo
Research Leader, DATAGRO Livestock

João Paulo Lefèvre
President, Brazilian Commodity Exchange (BBM)

Junior Crosara
Managing Partner, Crosara Consultoria.

Luís Fernando Madella Athayde
Managing Partner, LF Madella Communications

Luiz Roberto Zillo
Livestock Director, SRB, Director, GPB, and Consultant, DATAGRO Financial

Marcel Daltro
Institutional and Strategic Projects Director, Nelson Wilians Advogados

Marcelo Duarte
Director of International Relations, Abrapa

Marcelo Escorel
Entrepreneur, Estratégia Agro

Marcelo Ottoboni
Sales executive, Omya

Marco Anton
Managing Partner, Nutristrahl

Melina Lobo Dantas
Lawyer, Melina Lobo Advocacia

Miguel Faus
President, ANEA

Nilson Leitão
President, Instituto Pensar Agro (IPA)

Orlando Editore
Associate, DATAGRO Financial

Plinio Nastari
President, DATAGRO

Ricardo Hiroshi
Tax Litigation and Consulting Partner, PK Advogados

Ricardo Pires
Director, Núcleo Agrícola

Ricardo Tortorella
Executive Director, ANDA

Sílvio Rangel
President, FIEMT

Thiago Abreu
CEO and Founding Partner, Valloura Agro Inovação

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